Kathmandu Shiksha Campus is a public campus affiliated to Tribhuvan University. It was established in the year 1991. It is a non-profitable and service oriented academic institution. Kathmandu Shiksha Campus has publically stated to be of high integrity maintained by faculty staff and students. It provides financial aid, career counselling, computer labs, library, counselling to meet the students’ education needs.

This campus also has a research management cell for publishing research on education and training. The syllabus of BCA has been prescibed by Faculty of human science Tribhuvan University. BCA is over a period of eight semesters and the teaching is done through English medium. Entrance test is notified by the University and candidates are selected on merit basis and their past academic performances.

The evaluation of a student in BCA is both internal and external evaluation system on 40:60 percent ratios. Minimum attendance requirement per class is 80%.Below that students are not allowed to sit for final exams in that subject. The BCA degree is awarded by Tribhuvan University on the basis of individual students’ relative performance. The total credit hours of BCA is 126 which is a sum of Computer application courses, Elective courses, Mathematical and statistical courses, language courses, social science and management courses, project and internships.Internship and project report submission is mandatory for all BCA students of Kathmandu Shiksha Campus.

E-mail: kscrmc13@gmail.com

Phone: 01-4311843

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